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The safest place on Earth

The safest place on Earth


A closeup of a mother cuddling her newborn, both tangled in wires, represents how a mother is seen in the world, how she is trying to find her place as a different person, while she is weak and strong at the same time, how the mother is asking for help and how the surroundings are trying to help her. But sometimes, too much help can have the opposite effect. And the mother ends up asking for help again. None of this makes sense for the baby curled up in her hands. For him, she is everything, the safest place on earth, and they are bound forever.

  • Size

    96 x 86 cm

  • Medium

    Oil on canvas, wires and white acryl on a board, coloured pencils.

  • Additional Info

    *This is my journey as a first-time mother, and I had to be honest with myself to overcome my pain and emotional and physical changes. The best way for me was to take out everything on a canvas. It took me three years to finish this artwork as-well-as learn this new person I've become. And the best thing about this painting is that it can grow with my emotional state. The wires can be bent in a different way, expressing a different vision or emotional state.


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